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Thursday 17 November 2011

Sound's Person Journal (Chloe Wakeling)

Sound's Person Journal

What I had to do: In our film we had a radio news presenter, talking about a missing girl - this story that i made up ties up with out story in our opening scene of our film.

I did the recording first, but found when playing it back that it would not be good enough for the film, so i origanized todo it again.

I found someone else to do it, his name was Raman, and his voice sounded just like a DJ , which was what I was trying to achieve for the radio. When playing back, the voice suited well, and the editer incorporated it well into the film.

I enjoyed making the voice for the radio, as it showed more of a rangeof technology that I used in our film.
I was happy working with the people who was involved in making the news voice.

The only thing that went wrong was when i did my first try, of which my voice was not good enough - by this i mean it did not have the news type voice i was trying to achieve.

I would happily do it again , to improve our movie or if i made another movie which needed a voice recording.