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Friday 18 November 2011

Weekly Update 10

During this week: 14/11/11 to 18/11/11 
We have complete:
Shot List, Log Rushes, Journals.

In the next week we hope to complete:

  • Call Sheet: This will be done by Mariam who will make a template showing that we asked for permission from the department teacher to use the camera for filming.
  • Fonts Used: Ruheet will look at the film and check what fonts have been used in the titles.
  • Possible Logos: Mariam will do this by checking the different logos that were looked at and comparing them to the one's used, and why we didn't use the others.
What went well:
The Journals and Shot List.

We could improve:
By adding as much information to the blog as possible, get on with paperwork and editing so we do not have to do last minute work.

Meeting Minutes 8

Thursday 17 November 2011

Shot List

Shot List

Sound's Person Journal (Chloe Wakeling)

Sound's Person Journal

What I had to do: In our film we had a radio news presenter, talking about a missing girl - this story that i made up ties up with out story in our opening scene of our film.

I did the recording first, but found when playing it back that it would not be good enough for the film, so i origanized todo it again.

I found someone else to do it, his name was Raman, and his voice sounded just like a DJ , which was what I was trying to achieve for the radio. When playing back, the voice suited well, and the editer incorporated it well into the film.

I enjoyed making the voice for the radio, as it showed more of a rangeof technology that I used in our film.
I was happy working with the people who was involved in making the news voice.

The only thing that went wrong was when i did my first try, of which my voice was not good enough - by this i mean it did not have the news type voice i was trying to achieve.

I would happily do it again , to improve our movie or if i made another movie which needed a voice recording.

Editors Journal

Editors Journal

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Log Rushes

This is a picture of me, Editor, typing up the different shots from the film we shot.

Camera Person Journal

My name is Chloe Wakeling and I was the Camera-women when the group filmed the opening scene of the supernatural thriller.

My role: My role as the camera women (cinematography) was to make a wide range of camera angles, to make sure the lighting of the film set was adequate. Hands on with the camera, for example using the buttons and making the angles. To help the directer in decision making, such as where the actors will be best standing.

Using the camera
Using the camera, I found not that difficult to use, because the basics were not that hard to master as there was only three functions of the camera that i actually really needed to master which was the recording button and moving the camera around on the tripod. I also learned how to zoom in and out on the camera, this was used to make our actors face show the confusion on his face, to make the audience react. I enjoyed using the camera as I learn the 3 main functions to a camera that make a film.

The tripod
Using the tripod was not that difficult, I made it different lengths to make different camera shots, to make a wide range of camera shots so when we are editing the editor would have lots of shots to choose from and to choose the right one that will make it creepy.  

The lighting of the set was adequate to make the effects that we desired. The lighting was very slightly dim, but this was good as this is a good element to have, as our film is a supernatural thriller and this makes the atmosphere creepy.

Working with the Director
Working with the director, we both had good ideas to make the film good. We worked well together as a team.

Overall i enjoyed the role as camera women and would happily do it again for any future movies i make.

Sound's Person Journal (Ruheet Hasnath)

Throughout this project I have been researching and looking for sounds that I thought would be suitable for our movie and throughout my research I have found some good and some bad sounds but I had to be accurate and precise with the sounds I used in the final movie.

The reason why I had to be 100% sure in which sound i use is because the sound is a very big thing in the movie because without the right sound the film will be out of place and will not make sense. I used a programme called Soundtrack pro to find my sounds and I think that this software was good software in terms of finding sounds because it had several different sounds and most of them fit our movie so it was hard to choose from but me and my group took this into consideration and chose the sounds together. 

Overall I think that finding sounds was a long term process because there are thousands of sounds out and we had to make sure we chose the right ones but in the future if I do edit and need to pick sounds I will make sure I find sound from before which is suitable and this will enable me to save a lot of time however it was a good experience and I would like to do this again and it has also made me gain some experience in sounds and I would not mind being the sound person in another project because I think that it is a good role to take on.  

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Director's Journal

Director's Journal
Date: 15/11/11

Mariam Nawab
03/11/11 - Filming Day.

On the 3rd of Novesmber, we started fimling, what happened was all the production team and I have gathered during period 1 at 8.50 to discuss a checklist of the props, costumes, actors and other items we need, necessary for today. As we went through the checklist, I, the Director, made sure that nothing was missing and indeed nothing was missing. I stressed to the team that it is very important that we meet for a second time afterschool, at 3.10, in A29, our media room, for 5 minutes before the production shooting for a quick discussion with the team. Then everyone had dispersed to do what they needed, e.g. lessons, work or other.

As the day went by, I kept a look out for the actors, that they had remained in school and were 100% available for the evening of shooting. Then came period 5, 2.10, I, as one of the actors, had to wear the black and green, costume, paint on my arms as I was the antagonist for our film. Raman, actor, Chloe, Camera person and Sarah, audience, helped me apply this. The reason why we used this paint was to make my arms look scary and deformed for the movie as I was a monster, relating to the theme. The fact that Raman and Chloe were there to help me, reassured me that they were 100% going to make it as I had seen them and would have to take them to the production scene. As we finished up with the paint, the bell had rang and it was time for another quick meeting in room A29 where the props, costumes and the Editor, Ruheet, were.

At 3.17, I had a brief word with all the members about gathering the props, checking that no one was hesitant in performing and that we would have an enjoyable time as well as working hard to get everything perfect. As we got the equipment, actors, props and costumes ready, I checked that everyone was present and in their costumes/make up and we were ready to start filming.

At 3.25, we gathered everything and had started to film in the Dinner Hall corridor. To set up, we had to bring a tripod, a camera and a camera bag so that we could shoot. It was a long day as each scene required a different shot, which the Camera Person though, too, was tiring and long. At the start of the movie, as Director, i required a long shot of Percy (Carl, Actor) walking through the Dinner Hall corridor to the lockers as I wanted the audience to know what he looked like, his uniform and his body posture. All throughout the shooting, we used a variety of shots; Long Shot, POV shot, Close Up shot and many more.   The filming had ended and everything planned out well, we congratulated each other for the success of the production stage. We stayed behind for about 15 minutes as our Media Teacher wanted to show us parts of the footage and explained what the Editor, Ruheet, would have to use to Edit it. After a long days work, everyone had gathered their belongings and headed home.

Overall, as a Director, I found that controlling what happens during filming quite challenging because of the dicisions I had to make on shots and location and lighting. I made sure that everyone was acting appropriately and when the actors were hesitant, I calmed them down. It took about 3 and a half hours to complete the filming, there were a few interruptions but they only lasted seconds as they were only teachers or students walking by. Though they were small delays, it still meant that it would take us longer to film, time consuming, as the interruptions would occur on crutial moments. At the very end, we all packed up and patted each other in the back for a good day's work, we were happy and glad that it was an overall success.

Sound's Person Journal (Mariam Nawab)

Sound Persons Journal
Mariam Nawab

Since before the Production of the film, I have been looking for different sounds that would go well with the script, the atmosphere inside it. I wanted to make sure that the sounds I was choosing, I would choose carefully and thoroughly to have the best and most suitable for our film. And I had to make sure, as the Director also, that the other sounds that were being used were also suitable for the upcoming Film. I did not want anything that would make our Film bad and not gain the attention of the audience and so I decided to make a list of sounds that sounded right for the film and then a short list to make sure we didn't have too much sound, blocking every other element of the movie.

At first, to find some sounds/ music, I looked on youtube, this was to find eerie music to go on the background as non-diegetic crescendo music to build up tension when the atmosphere is tense. I could not find anything very suitable because Youtube is immensly large in terms of it's files and so it was very difficult to find music without a lot of beats and other sounds, to it to make it less eerie.

And so I settled for 3 of my personal choice, that I thought were quite outstanding from the other sounds I heard on youtube. I found these from a hardrive file on a PC in my Media Room and all three of these were used in the film alongside other sounds. I thought that the sounds made the Film better just because of the style and message of the sound.

Overall, I think that the time and effort I took to find the right sounds paid off in the film. For future preference I would like to find more sounds from different places instead of from only 2 sources, this will give me a wider range of sounds that I can choose from and possibly save me some time as it may just be easier that way. I thoroughly enjoyed looking for sounds and do hope to do it again but with more effort into finding it and with the right information I hopefully will be able to.