During the weeks of: 05/09/11 - 09/09/11 and 12/09/11 - 16/09/11
We have completed our:
Group roles, Production Schedule (paper), creation of our Company Name and Email and creation of our company Blog and Personal Blogs.
In the next week we hope to complete:
- Thriller Research: Chloe will do this by looking on different internet sites and gathering information that will be useful for our Company and its Film.
- Preliminary Task: Each individual member must do this by learning how to use a camera, use different shots whilst filming and how to use dialogue whilst filming.
- Analysis of Thriller Film: This will also be done by each individual member. It will be done by watching the first two minutes of a thriller sequence, which is what we are supposed to do as our general work task.
- Brainstorm: Chloe will do this whilst discussing with the group the different elements we will need for out Film and upload it onto Bubbl.us then onto the Blog.
- 180 Degree Rule: Ruheet will do this by researching what it is and explaining it.
- Match on Action and Shot Types: Chloe will do this by researching what they are.
- Make:
- Facebook/ Twitter/ Youtube Group, Account: Mariam and Chloe will do these by creating accounts on each website, under our company's email.
- Company Logo: This will be done by Mariam who will look for suitable logos for our company and add it to the blog.
The gathering of our team and how we get along. The different roles we chose for ourselves, we agreed upon them. And the work we have carried out so far.
We could improve:
By doing the work we have to, and once we've done that, don't waste any time and go straight ahead with the rest of the work that is not due yet.