During this week: 10/10/11 - 14/10/11
We have completed:
The Budget, Letter for Permission, Health and Safety, Storyboard, Final Script and Shooting Script.
What we hope to do in the next week:
- SWOT: Chloe will do this by looking at the abbreviation of it and applying it to our work.
- Software Used: Ruheet will do this by looking at the different software's we've used and why.
- Analyse the Title Sequence of a Film - Chloe will do this by looking at the first two or so minutes of a film and analyse the credits and company logo at the start of it. For example, the Director's name and it's significance to the film and the Production's Logo and it's significance to the film.
- Actors Release Form: Mariam will do this, as she is one of the actors, she can sign it herself.
- Location Release Form: Mariam will do this too, she will add the organisation's name and other details and get the administrator to sign.
- Equipment List: Chloe will do this by analysis the equipments we will use for our production and why.
This week was the Budget, Health and Safety and Storyboard.
We could improve:
Our communication, work that needs to be sent put up on the blog needs to be sent to Mariam and the way that will happen is if everyone does all their work on time and is sent at the time of completion. Also, to do all our work without delay etc.