Blogger Backgrounds

Friday, 21 October 2011

Weekly Updates 7

During this week: 17/10/11 - 21/10/11
We have completed and added:
SWOT, Analyse Title sequence of film, Actors and Location release form and Equipment list.

What we hope to do in the next week:

  • Influence: Chloe will do this by looking at what movies have influenced our film.
  • Software Used: Ruheet will do this by looking at the different software's we've used and why.
  • Prepare for Film: By talking to each other about what will be needed when filming. During Lessons we will research what will look realistic in our film.
What went well:
This week was Equipment List and our communication is improving but not a lot.

We could improve:
Again, our communication, I feel as if we are not discussing the blog enough and making good decisions as our production is approaching and we should be discussing the things needed for it using our blog information such as the Notes. And also to do our paperwork done and dusted in time for the evaluation.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Analyse the title sequence of a film

The Secret Window

Oaks Park Logo

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Actors Release Form

Actors Release Form

Location Release Form

Location Release Form



Monday, 17 October 2011

Equipment List

Meeting Minutes 6