During this week: 26/09/11 - 30/09/11
We have completed:
Our Narrative Theory, Planning Brief, 90 Minute Synopsis, Pre Questionnaire and Graphs, Treatment, BBFC, Target Audience Research, 1st Draft of Two Minute Outline and Uses and Gratification Theory.
In the next week we hope to complete:
- The news radio Script: Chloe will do this by thinking of what the news person will say and how it will reflect the situation in the Thriller Film, then she will record closer to the Production time.
- Location Notes: Mariam will do this by thinking of what location in the school we will use and why we would use this, it must reflect the plot of the Thriller Film and then will add it to the Blog.
- Cast Notes: Ruheet will do this by using his initiative and find which actor would best suit the characters in our Film and mention why he was chosen these specific people.
- Score Notes: All of us will do this by listening to some sounds and discuss why we have chosen those specific sounds for our Film.
- Costume Notes: Chloe will do this by discussing what kind of a costume each character/actor would need to make the Film more effective and reflect the idea of the Film and why she has chose these specific clothing.
- Prop Notes: Mariam will do this by thinking of what kind of Props will be needed, some by looking at the Script and getting the ideas from there.
- 2nd Draft of Two Minute Outline: This will be done by Chloe who will improve the first one and post onto blog.
- Script (1st Draft): This will be done by Chloe who will write up the script for our Film.
The Pre-Questionnaire and Graphs, Narrative Theory, Uses and gratification theory and Target Audience Research.
We could improve:
By cooperating with one another, discussing the work amonst ourselves to get the right idea for our work.