Blogger Backgrounds

Friday, 23 September 2011

Weekly Update 3

During this week: 19/09/11 - 23/09/11
We have completed:
Our Research of 180 Degree Rule, Match on Action, Shot Types, Brainstorm, Preliminary Task, Facebook Account, Youtube Account, Company Logo, Twitter Account, Thriller Research and Analysis of Thriller.

What we hope to do next week:

  • Treatment: Chloe will do this by going onto the schools website and getting the template needed to add all the information our Thriller Sequence will involve.
  • Planning Brief: Chloe will do this also, by getting the template off of the schools website and adding the information of our Thriller, this is mainly the plan of our Thriller and other ideas.
  • BBFC: Ruheet will do this by researching other Thriller movies that are similar to ours and looking at their BBFC and why it is like that, then apply it to ours Film.
  • First Draft of Two Minute Outline: Chloe will do this by discussing with the group, what the plot will be of the movie we wish to create, will discuss the elements it will need and apply it to the Outline and then she will add it to the Blog.
  • 90 Minute Synopsis: Chloe will do this by looking at the Two Minute Outline and think what will happen outside of it, she will create the entire movie using the help of the members in her group and then will add it to the Blog.
  • Narrative Theory: Mariam will do this by researching Barthes, Todorov's and Propp's theory on the Narrative in  Film and then apply it to our Thriller Sequence and then upload to Blog.
  • Uses and Gratification Theory: Mariam will do this, analysis what it is and apply to our Thriller Flim.
  • Pre-Questionnaire and Graphs: Mariam will do this by asking a series of questions to the public and putting the results on a graph and analysing them.
  • Target Audience Research: This will be done by Ruheet, he will research audience types and find out which may apply to our Film.
What went well:
The Company Logo, Research, Accounts, Brainstorm and Preliminary Task. This was because we all cooperated well and got it done right on schedule.

We could improve by:
Talking to each other, about what needs to be done next and if we stuggle in our work then ask for help from one another of the Teacher.

Group Brainstorm

Our Video

Our short Film will be based upon a Thriller and the sub genre of a Supernatural Thriller.

Meeting Minutes 2

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Match on Action


Match on action is where the movement bewteen two shots is overlapped by a repitive movement, by more then one camera

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Thriller Research

Genre Research

Shot types

The Establishing shot:
This shot is used in the begining of the film, the person is not visable to an audience

Very Long Shot:
The person is barely visable to an audience,but the main aim of this shot is to establish the setting

Long Shot:
The person takes the whole camera shot up.

Mid Shot:
Shows half of the person in detail while still giving an audience the look of the character

Medium Close up:
This camera shot shows the person's head to shoulders

Close up:
A particular feature of the person is focused on

Extreme Close up:
This shot show the a particular detail, but zoomz right in to show show lots of detail

Cut in:
This shot shows another part of the person's body, eg hand

Shows somthing other then a person, so shows a setting

Two Shot:
Shows two people in one camera shot

Over the Shoulder:
Has the camera over looking a person's shoulder

Point of View:
Has the camera looking from the person's point of view - to show the audience what they are seeing

Weather shot:
Shows the weather of the scene

Twitter Acount

The 180 Degree Rule

The rule is that you have to keep the camera on one side of the action. for example if two people are talking we can think of an imaginary line between them then the viewer can see one person is on the left and the other person is on the right. if you break the rule and put camera's on each side of the line then it will appear that the people are lookin towards the same direction while talking which will confuse the viewers and create misunderstandings.

Youtube Account

Facebook Group