Blogger Backgrounds

Friday, 4 November 2011

Weekly Update 8

During this week: 31/10/11 - 04/11/11
We have completed and added:
Influence, Software Used, Preparation for film.

As we filmed on the 03/11/11, we needed to make sure all the Actors, Props and Location were ready for production day, at the start of the week.

In the next week we hope to complete:

  • Journals: This will be done by all of the group as soon as the footage of the film is gathered and edited along with the sound.
  • Editing: Ruheet will do this by getting all the footage we had, collecting it and start to edit the movie down to Two Minutes.
  • Post Questionnaire and Graphs: This will be done by Mariam, who will ask a series of questions and will show the results and explain them using graphs.
What went well:
The gathering of Props and Actors and Location for our Production.

We could improve:
When we've done our shooting for the film, that we get straight to the Editing, gather what we need for the Editing, such as the sounds and other effects. And push ourselves harder to get the rest of the paperwork done.