During this week: 07/11/11 to 11/11/11
We completed and added:
Post Questionnaire and Graphs and we are still Editing.
In the next week we hope to complete:
- Editing: This will be done by Ruheet as he is the editor. He will carry on with the editing and try to get it done as soon as possible. Chloe and I will assist in helping speed things up by finding score music for him.
- Shot List: Chloe will do this by sitting beside the editor and writing down the different shots that were taken on the night of production.
- Log Rushes: This will be done by the Editor, Ruheet, as he had to type all the shot lists onto Final Cut Pro and so a picture will be taken of him doing this.
- Journals: We will do this individually depending on our roles, I will do the Directors Journal, Ruheet will do Editors and Chloe will do Camera person's and we all will do Sound persons as we all looked for sound.
The editing went well, as more of the film is being completed.
We could improve:
Speeding things up with the editing as it is taking much time to complete.

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