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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

News Radio Sound

Six o'Clock News by Mariam Nawab

This is the sound for the Radio in which we play the News for Percy (Carl).

We have used this specific sound to in our film because we want the audience to understand the the mystery within the film. This is, the fact that people are disappearing out of thin air. When the Boss (Raman) enters the film, it creates suspense and the audiences heart races as it was not unexpected as to how he had got there without a sound. Then this created a relief from the audience as they know that the Boss may be harmless. The reason why the Boss appears out of nowhere is because it follows the News of people disappearing, the audience would suddenly expect that Percy is in danger of disappearing, then out of the blue, the Boss appears, this slows down the fast pacing hearbeats of the audience.

The Radio is played before the Boss enters, we have made the film like this to make the atmosphere very intense. The  News, when played, foreshadows what might happen to Percy (Carl), which could be his death or disappearance.

The News is also made and added to the film to create Enigmas from the audience; Why are people disappearing? Will Percy disappear? Why has he not paid attention to the News?