Blogger Backgrounds

Friday, 25 November 2011

Weekly updates 11

During this week:  21/11/11 - 25/11/11
We have completed and added:
Fonts Used, Possible Logo's and Call Sheet.

What we hope to do in the next week:

  • Finish Paperwork: We will try and complete all our paperwork alongside our Final Product.
  • Final Product: This will be completed by Ruheet after using the News Radio, adding to it.
  • Edit Decision List: This will be done by Ruheet.
  • News Radio Sound: This will be done by Chloe and Mariam, they will talk about why they have that specific sound on the Film.
  • The Production Team: This will be done by the Director, Mariam, who will talk about the team and the significance of each member.
  • Video Upload: This will be done by Ruheet who will post the Video on Youtube, the blog and Facebook to publicise it.
What went well:
This was the fonts used, possible logos and call sheet.

We could improve:
By speeding up our paperwork and get feedback by the audience on our Final Product after posting on YouTube.